West Palm Beach Powers Of Attorney

Everyone experiences unexpected events and life-changing circumstances from time to time. However, even if you don't expect certain events to happen, you can still be prepared. A prime example is the possibility of becoming legally incapacitated (unable to make your own financial and health care decisions). No one expects to become incapacitated, but it is a tremendous benefit to have powers of attorney documents in place to prepare for this possibility. It is similar to wearing a seat belt: few people expect to get into an accident, but wearing a seat belt is something we all do to protect ourselves for this unlikely possibility. Establishing powers of attorney is a simple procedure that can prove tremendously beneficial for the possibility of incapacity.

At the Law Office of Warren B. Brams, P.A., we help clients prepare for the unexpected through powers of attorney in West Palm Beach County, Florida. Attorney Warren B. Brams can help you determine a health care surrogate and financial agent to make the key decisions for you, according to your predetermined and communicated instructions, in the event that you become unable to make these decisions on your own. With more than 25 years of legal experience, attorney Brams can help you establish a:

  • Medical power of attorney: In this document, you will establish a health care surrogate — an agent who will make medical and end-of-life decisions on your behalf — and it provides that person with access to your medical records in accordance with HIPAA. It is also helpful to establish a living will, which will give your health care surrogate detailed instructions regarding your health care wishes.
  • Financial power of attorney: This document establishes an agent to handle your financial affairs on your behalf if you are no longer able to do so on your own.

Both medical and financial powers of attorney can provide you with preemptive control over your affairs in the event that you are no longer able to make these decisions on your own, they are also more private and less invasive than a court-appointed guardianship would be if you fail to have an agent established.

If you are considering establishing powers of attorney as a component of your estate plan, it is important to talk with an experienced lawyer. Attorney Warren B. Brams can help you determine a proxy for your health and medical decisions, coordinate your powers of attorney with other documents in your estate plan, and provide you with sound counsel and personalized service throughout the process.

Contact A Boca Raton Health Care Proxy Attorney

We offer free 30-minute consultations for many legal matters. Call 561-328-0733 or contact us online.