West Palm Beach Living Wills Lawyer

Health Care Decisions Made Simple

Every effective comprehensive estate plan will include some consideration of end-of-life medical issues, especially regarding end-of-life health care and terminal medical conditions that do not allow the testator to communicate his or her medical wishes. It is important to talk through these issues with an experienced lawyer.

At the Law Office of Warren B. Brams, P.A., we help clients through the process of establishing living wills. West Palm Beach living wills attorney Warren B. Brams has more than 25 years of experience and a commitment to providing personally tailored service to our clients. He will talk through the issues with you so you will understand your options and make sound decisions for your future and your family.

Living Wills In Florida

A living will is a document created specifically for the potential future event that you become incapacitated and have a terminal condition, have an end-stage condition or
are in a persistent vegetative state. This document names a health care surrogate for this circumstance and spells out your end-of-life medical care wishes.

Your living will can be as specific as you like in describing your preferences for treatment options in various circumstances. This can include:

  • Mechanical breathing devices
  • Feeding tubes
  • Life support for terminal conditions
  • Permanent unconsciousness
  • Pain-relieving medications
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Although these issues are not easy for many people to address, making your wishes known can be a tremendous benefit to your family. It is common for various family members to disagree on the best course of action for a loved one with serious medical conditions. A clear, effective living will can help prevent contention and dispute when your health care surrogate makes these decisions for you.

Contact A Boynton Beach Health Care Surrogate Lawyer

To schedule a consultation with an experienced living wills attorney, call 561-328-0733 or contact us online. We offer free 30-minute consultations for most legal matters.